Friday, April 28, 2023

Sony reports 6.3M PS5 sales in Q4 2022, up from 2M in Q4 2021, taking FY 2022 to 19.1M and 38.4M since launch, and $29B revenue for FY 2022, up from $19.9B YoY (Steve Dent/Engadget)

Steve Dent / Engadget:
Sony reports 6.3M PS5 sales in Q4 2022, up from 2M in Q4 2021, taking FY 2022 to 19.1M and 38.4M since launch, and $29B revenue for FY 2022, up from $19.9B YoY  —  Now that it's solved its supply shortages, Sony is seeing a lot of pent-up demand for PlayStation 5 consoles.

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