Friday, April 22, 2022

As the EU prepares its third landmark tech law in the last few years, the US has enacted just two narrow federal tech laws in the past 25 years (Cecilia Kang/New York Times)

Cecilia Kang / New York Times:
As the EU prepares its third landmark tech law in the last few years, the US has enacted just two narrow federal tech laws in the past 25 years  —  Federal privacy bills, security legislation and antitrust laws to address the power of the tech giants have all failed to advance in Congress …

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An analysis of the $1.46B Bybit hack, by far the largest crypto heist of all time, ahead of Poly Network's $611M in 2021, and possibly the biggest theft ever (Elliptic)

Elliptic : An analysis of the $1.46B Bybit hack, by far the largest crypto heist of all time, ahead of Poly Network's $611M in 2021, ...