Saturday, December 28, 2019

Since GDPR became law in May 2018, the only substantial privacy-related action against a major tech company happened in the US, where Facebook was fined $5B (Nicholas Vinocur/Politico)

Nicholas Vinocur / Politico:
Since GDPR became law in May 2018, the only substantial privacy-related action against a major tech company happened in the US, where Facebook was fined $5B  —  The world's toughest privacy law proves toothless in the eyes of many critics.  —  More than 18 months after the European Union began implementing …

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Sources: Apple planned to announce a smart home hub in March but it has been postponed since the device relies on the delayed Siri capabilities (Mark Gurman/Bloomberg)

Mark Gurman / Bloomberg : Sources: Apple planned to announce a smart home hub in March but it has been postponed since the device relies ...