Thursday, November 7, 2019

Disney+ will launch in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain in March 2020


Disney+ will launch in the US, Canada, and the Netherlands on November 12th, a bit shy of a week from today. On November 19th, it’ll expand to Australia and New Zealand.

But what about the rest of the world?

Disney has kept a bit quiet about its plans for other countries, presumably because going live in another country is a bit more complicated than just flipping a switch. Every country tends to have different privacy/tax laws regarding subscription services, and rights and licensing for each bit of content has to be detangled with respect to existing deals.

Now, at least, we’ve got a launch date for five more countries: Disney says that Disney+ will launch in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, and Spain on March 31st.

This news might be slightly less intriguing for folks in the UK, who’ve had streaming access to a pretty massive collection of Disney stuff by way of DisneyLife — a streaming service that served as a test run of sorts for Disney+ — since its launch back in 2015. But hey, The Mandalorian!

One thing worth noting: don’t expect Disney+ to be exactly the same around the world. Thanks to those aforementioned rights/licensing deals that may already be in place around the world, as Disney puts it, “Titles may vary by territory.”

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