Realme launched its Realme 3 Pro and Realme C2 smartphones in India late last month and the latter is going on sale today. While the Realme 3 Pro (review) is the company’s answer to the Redmi Note 7 Pro, the Realme C2 is the company’s new entry-level handset, which is a successor to last year’s Realme C2. The handset features a diamond pattern on the back and comes equipped with dual rear cameras. It starts at Rs 5,999 and goes up against the likes of Redmi, who sells the Redmi 6A that is priced around the same.
Realme C2 Specifications:The Realme C2 is powered by an Octa-core Helio P22 chipset and comes in two variants. It is available in a 2GB RAM + 16GB storage model and a 3GB RAM + 32GB storage version. It sports a 6.1-inch HD+ display that has a dewdrop notch design and a 19.5:9 aspect ratio. The handset runs on Android 9 Pie with ColorOS 6.0 on top and is backed by a large 4000mAh battery.
In terms of optics, the Realme C2 comes equipped with rear-dual cameras that consist of 13MP + 2MP sensors. Realme says that the rear camera can shoot slo-mo videos in 80fps/480p quality. On the front, the phone gets a 5MP selfie camera with AI Face Unlock.
Realme C2 price and launch offersThe Realme C2 is priced at Rs 5,999 for the 2GB RAM + 16GB variant and its 3GB RAM + 32GB storage model costs Rs 7,999. It will be available for purchase at 12 PM today via Flipkart and Realme's online shop in Diamond Blue and Diamond Black colours.
Launch offers for the phone on Flipkart includes a no-cost EMI and a five percent discount of up to Rs 200 for Axis Bank Buzz credit card holders. There’s also a five percent instant discount on EMI with ICICI Bank cards. Those who buy the phone from the company’s website can avail 10 percent cashback when they pay for the phone via MobiKwik. Jio users can avail benefits of up to Rs 5,300 on the purchase of the Realme C2.
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